An extensive refurbishment of the J Robin Warren Library - located at the QEII Medical Centre - commenced in early 2017. The revitalisation of the J Robin Warren Library will provide greater emphasis on collaborative study and expanded e-learning capability. Student input has been integral to this redevelopment.

Further information


Project overview

This project will see all three levels of the J Robin Warren Library stripped back and completely refurbished. With the nature of student study and learning changing, there is greater focus on collaborative study supported with extensive e-learning components.

Libraries are evolving to support these opportunities and the refurbishment will help achieve this goal. The new design will introduce:

  • Library for all users - future, current and past students, researchers, academics, alumni and the community
  • High quality education and learning environment, including:
       - a broad range of group spaces for working together on the lower level
       - 70 seats of quiet study areas on the upper study level
       - 120 seat e-learning suite and a 20 station computer laboratory
       - bookable meeting spaces
       - collection of high use print books and journals.

  • Extensive wi-fi coverage
This is a joint project with partners including: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University Library, Western Australian Medical Students' Society, Development and Alumni Relations, and UWA's - Business Information and Technology Services and Campus Management.

The J Robin Warren Library is located at the QEII Medical Campus, Monash Avenue, Nedlands. The library will provide a strong strategic presence for the University at the QEII Medical Centre.

Hames Sharley who are the original architects of the Medical and Dental Library were appointed by the University in 2016.

Designed to provide a high-quality facility for staff, students and academic, the refurbishment will commence in January 2017 and be ready for occupancy September 2017.
Media and news

Library renaming - Wednesday 29 November 2017

UWA Medical and Dental Library honours Nobel Laureate  - media statement

Media launch - Tuesday 21 February 2017

UWA celebrates medical school's 60th with $7 million upgrade  - media statement


Image gallery

Artist impressions of the J Robin Warren Library.

Forrest Hall - Artist Impression