Big fig tree 

Common Name: Big Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus macrophylla

Indigenous Name: Dhiil

Year planted: 1932

Biomass Kg: 9190

CO2 Kg: 21,061

Carbon Stored Kg: 5744

Did you know?

  • Considered the most iconic tree on campus and well known meeting place
  • Once spanning the entire length of path from Winthrop Hall to Djeran Bidi intersection, the tree lost two massive limbs in November 2018

  • As stories go, the tree was planted on a cow carcass and the annual fermented fruit drop on the ground is very popular with the duck population on campus, the tavern for the ducks perhaps?

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Old jarrah tree 

Common Name: The Old Jarrah

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus marginata

Indigenous Name: Jarrah

Year planted: Circa 1600s

Did you know? 

  • The wood of the jarrah tree is one of the most valuable hardwoods in the world
  • This tree was identified as a way finding marker for indigenous people, this specimen is thought to be over 400 year old and the oldest Jarrah specimen on Crawley campus

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Silver Cajeput 

Common Name: Silver Cajeput

Botanical Name: Melaleuca argentea

Indigenous Name: Mardderr

Year planted: 2020

Did you know?

  • Native to the Pilbara region of North Western Australia
  • This tree was planted by Vice-Chancellor Amit Chakma in August 2020 as welcoming from Campus Management
  • The silver cajeput replaces a huge Tasmanian blue gum which blew over in 2019 winter storms

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