Health and Safety policies and framework
UWA Work, Health and Safety Policy (WHS) outlines the University’s duty of care and commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for all persons at the University.
- Safety and Health Policy
- Safety and Health Leadership and Governance Framework
- Safety and Health Commitment
Injury and incident reporting
When an incident, hazard or near miss occurs and/or a person has been injured you must immediately lodge a report in the UWA Incident Portal (Camms).
Managing asbestos and other hazardous materials
- Before undertaking capital/minor works or alterations to UWA buildings, all staff, consultants and contractors must access the UWA Asbestos Materials Register. A copy is available by contacting Helpdesk on 6488 2025.
- A Work area access permit must be completed for any works/alterations that have the potential to disturb hazardous materials.
- All works or alterations to buildings that have a medium-to-very-high risk of disturbing hazardous materials will be required to be undertaken in accordance with the Asbestos Management Procedure and will require a Risk Management Plan to be developed by an accredited consultant (an asbestos assessor) and/or licensed hazardous materials contractor (an asbestos removalist).
- In the case where asbestos containing materials have been disturbed, damaged or are deteriorating, the Asbestos Emergency Response Process must be followed.
- Campus Management will fund the costs incurred for monitoring, testing, management and removal of asbestos during maintenance work. If during construction works, costs will be awarded to the project.
- Staff who are concerned that asbestos or other hazardous material has been disturbed should contact Helpdesk on 6488 2025 to arrange monitoring, testing and remediation works.
Responsible person | Requirements |
Campus Management Safety Officer |
UWA Works Managers |
Campus Management Safety Officer |
UWA Works Managers |
Campus Management Safety Officer/UWA Works Managers |
Campus Management Safety Office |