Current projects can range from student accommodation, academic or administrative facilities on campus, to facilities for the wider community developed in other areas of the Perth metropolitan area or in regional areas.
Reid Library refurbishment project
The Library refurbishment project aims to transform level one into a contemporary and technologically advanced space, benefitting all students, staff, researchers and visitors.
Neil Donaldson Pavilion
Delivery of a new western sporting pavilion (Neil Donaldson Pavilion) at UWA Sports Park that will bring modern, purpose-built amenities to the precinct which are all inclusive, meet the functional requirements of UWA and its sporting users and set the standard for future sport park redevelopments.
UWA Sports Park
UWA Sports Park has a vision for the development of a Western Australian sports home base, providing facilities for training, playing, research, health and fitness, spectator events and sports business growth to benefit the whole community.
UWA Energy Carbon Neutral project
The University is committed to developing new programs and improving existing ones to make its activities more cost-effective and environmentally efficient.
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