The refurbishment of the eastern-side of Hackett Hall has created a brand new home for the Centre for Education Futures an initiative providing information and support to staff to enable education innovation and futures thinking. Campus Management coordinated the design and implementation of the project which has transformed the eastern wing of Hackett Hall into collaborative, open and vibrant spaces for teaching and learning.


The refurbishment offers open plan office accommodation for staff and two different learning and development spaces - supporting the transformative process to teaching and learning being implemented by the Centre.

The refurbished spaces comprise of an open plan office space (for over 30 staff) and the Carpe Diem Studio (teaching space). The refurbishment also includes the Futures Observatory, which is a flat floor venue for exhibiting and trialling retail electronic devices that can be used in teaching.

  • Technology and Innovation Lab
  • Carpe Diem Studio
  • Recording Studio for lecturers
  • Accommodation for Education Futures and Innovation
  • Accommodation of the Office of PVC
  • Project and meeting rooms

Rebecca Cameron, Associate Director, Planning and Design, Campus Management